

Home Treatments Pediatric Surgery

Birinci International Hospital

The medical doctor who has been educated only for the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases of children, gained experience in this domain, and achieved the authority for the surgical intervention, is called the Pediatric Surgery Specialist.
Pediatric Surgery is a discipline which deals with the diagnosis of the diseases requiring surgical intervention in children, and pre-operation, operation and post operation periods from the beginning from the postnatal days till reaching 15 years old.

The human body that grows and develops incessantly in the process beginning from the neonatal period that extends to adolescence carries variable features which are suitable for every period. As there are diseases which are peculiar to different age groups and the nutrition requirement which is continually non-stable, a totally different way from the methods which are used to be seen in adults are followed in the diagnosis and treatment.

The outcomes of a surgical intervention in childhood will be carried by the patients over a lifetime.Therefore, all these interventions should be carried out by well-trained Pediatric Surgeons, who have undergone a long and tough training, learn modern treatment techniques and are the most disciplined, and who can take the initiative and start the optimal treatment in a very short time.