

Orthodontics is a department of dentistry that deals with diagnosis, management and prevention of misaligned teeth, wide gaps between the teeth and improperly aligned jaws. This specialty requires minimum 4-year education following graduation from a school of dentistry.

Crooked teeth harm the teeth and peripheral tissues along with being a cosmetic problem. Crooked teeth challenge the oral hygiene, increase the risk of caries and predispose to gingival retraction due to accumulation of tartar. Moreover, crooked teeth or misaligned tips of the teeth may harm the temporomandibular joint. Protruding teeth in upper jaw pave the way for trauma and moreover, the condition may cause some teeth and skeletal defects as well as speech disorders. Briefly, orthodontic treatment not only restores an aesthetic look, but it also aims to make the patient have healthy teeth and jaw tissues, sound chewing function, and facial aesthetic.

Permanent teeth start erupting in children as of 6 years. Regular dentist visits are required for early diagnosis and treatment of a potential problem following this period of life. Removable appliances, functional treatments and intraoral apparatus can be used, whenever indicated. There is no age limitation for orthodontic therapies. Orthodontic treatment is an option for everybody with healthy bone and teeth.

Removable Orthodontic Appliances

They refer to protective and preventive orthodontic therapies for mixed dentition period (7 to 12 years of age). Patients can remove and place these removable appliances on their own; space maintainers, correction of mildly crooked teeth and therapies that aid development of jaw are other treatment modalities.

Fixed Orthodontic Appliances

The treatments cover brackets and wires that are fixed one by one firmly on each tooth.

Metallic Brackets

In this system, wires applying tension on the teeth are fixed to bands or metallic ligatures on the bracket to move the teeth.

Damon Brackets

In this system, brackets have special covers on their front surface. The wires that apply tension on the teeth are held by these covers rather than being fixed to bands or metallic ligature; thus, friction is minimized and they offer quicker and more comfortable treatment relative to traditional metallic brackets. 

Aesthetic Brackets

These brackets are made of transparent materials or manufactured in tooth color to eliminate non-aesthetic look of the metallic brackets.


Lingual Brackets

The brackets are fixed to the lingual surface of the teeth. Adult patients mostly look for more aesthetic solutions relative to the brackets fixed on front surface of the teeth. In this treatment modality, dental measures of patients are sent to special laboratories in foreign countries and custom brackets and wires are produced that fit teeth surface of the person. These brackets are very advantageous, as they cannot be seen by others.

Wire-free Orthodontic Treatment (Transparent Plaque)

Relevant dimensions are measured and the teeth are gradually transposed to the target position using special software in computer; a transparent plate is molded for each step and thus, a series of plates is produced. A new plate is used when position of the teeth is changed and thus, the teeth are gradually aligned. Plates should be kept in mouth, excluding eating and brushing, throughout the day for the success of the treatment. The most significant advantage is about oral hygiene, as there is no bracket that is fixed to the teeth. However, they cannot help all orthodontic problems and view of your dentist gains importance about this issue.

Functional Therapy

Orthodontic treatment corrects improperly aligned jaw bones that carry our teeth along with correction of the teeth. This treatment modality aims to boost and guide growth of jaw bones through the use of growth and development that continue in children.

Extra-oral Appliances

Development of upper jaw is supported by a special appliance (face mask) that is applied on jaw and forehead out of the mouth cavity for children with insufficient development of the upper jaw. 

Treatment of Impacted Tooth

Sometimes, teeth may not erupt and stay impacted in the gum, although they are genetically coded to erupt. These impacted teeth may be a source of infection or cysts may develop around them. If a three-dimensional tomography scan confirms the eligibility of an impacted tooth, orthodontic treatment can apply tension to move the tooth to the correct position in the mouth cavity.

Mini Screws

Mini screws are driven into jawbones in order to hinder the unintended movement of other teeth, while a tooth is moved. This simple procedure is performed under regional anesthesia at clinical settings.

Orthognathic Surgery

Orthodontic treatment is combined with surgical correction in adult patients if the jaw bones that carry the teeth are misaligned with each other and the skull, resulting in asymmetry. Thus, both teeth and jawbones are forced to correct position and facial aesthetic is gained along with restoration of correct chewing and respiration functions. Orthognathic surgery is a multidisciplinary treatment that requires collaboration of orthodontist and maxillofacial surgeon.