Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine
Ankara Education and Research Hospital
Anesthesia and Reanimation
Resüsitasyon Derneği
Göğüs Kalp Damar Anestezi ve Yoğun Bakım Derneği
Klinik Toksikoloji Derneği
ESRA (The European Society of Regional Anaesthesiology)
ESA (The European Society of Anaesthesiology)
Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Derneği
Türk Yoğun Bakım Derneği
A1. Yalcin S, Aydogan H, Yuce HH, Kucuk A, Boleken ME. Caudal anesthesia in Hurler’s syndrome. Paediatr Anaesth. 2011;21(12):1270-1272.
A2. Yalcin S, Aydoğan H, Selek S, Kucuk A, Yuce HH, Karababa F, Bilgiç T. Ketofol in electroconvulsive therapy anesthesia: two stones for one bird. J Anesth. 2012;26(4):562-567.
A3. Aydoğan H, Kucuk A, Boyacı FN, Yuce HH, Yalcin F, Altay N, Aydın MS, Buyukfırat E, Yalcin S. Optimal wrist position for long and short axis ultrasound guided radial artery cannulation. Clin Ter. 2013;164(4):e253-7.
A4. Yalcin S, Ulas T, Eren MA, Aydogan H, Camuzcuoglu A, Kucuk A, Yuce HH, Demir ME, Vural M, Aksoy N. Relationship between oxidative stress parameters and cystatin C levels in patients with severe preeclampsia. Medicina (Kaunas). 2013;49(3):118-23.
A5. Kucuk A, Yalcin F, Yuce HH, Boyaci FN, Aydin MS, Kaya Z, Bilgic T, Karahan MA, Aydogan H, Yildiz S, Yalcin S. Forty-Five Degree Wrist Elevation is Optimal for Ultrasonography Guided Long Axis Radial Artery Cannulation both for Young and Elderly Subjects. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2013, 29: 291-294.
A6. Yalcin S, Aydogan H, Kucuk A, Yuce HH, Altay N, Karahan MA, Buyukfirat E, Camuzcuoglu A, İncebiyik A, Yalcin F. Supplemental Oxygen in Elective Cesarean Section under Spinal Anesthesia: Handle the Sword with Care. (2013)
A7. Aydogan H, Aydogan T, Uyanikoglu A, Kucuk A, Yuce HH, Karahan MA, Buyukfirat E, Yalcin S. Propofol-Ketamine combination has shorter recovery times with similar hemodynamics compared to propofol alone in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in adults. A randomized trial. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2013, 29: 259-264.
A8. Yuce HH, Kucuk A, Altay N, Bilgic T, Karahan MA, Buyukfirat E, Camuzcuoglu A, Incebıyık A, Hilali NG, Yalcin S. Propofol-ketamine combination has favorable impact on orientation times and pain scores compared to propofol in dilatation and curettage. A randomized trial. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2013, 29: 539-544.
A9. Yalcin S, Aydoğan H, Yuce HH, Kucuk A, Karahan MA, Vural M, Camuzcuoğlu A, Aksoy N. Effects of sevoflurane and desflurane on oxidative stress during general anesthesia for elective cesarean section. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2013;125(15-16):467-73.
A10. Kucuk A, Yuce HH, Yalcin S. Detailed formula of propofol is needed in studies evaluating inflammatory responses. Br J Anaesth. 2013;110(4):664-5.